Medication Motivation

I am a pharmacist. I am the health care provider who is the pro on medications. How to take them, when to take them, why to take them, and what they can be taken with. I am the gatekeeper of medications. It is my responsibility to ensure they are filled at the right time, and they are safe to take. I am the doctor who can advise patients on over the counter medications and supplements. I am the most available provider to stop in and talk to or call on the phone with health questions or concerns. I can perform clinical testing to give valuable information about your current health and provide vaccinations to protect your health.  I am a guide to help you through the challenges of understanding your diagnosis and teach you about your medications.  I am a motivational coach and cheerleader for you to overcome obstacles to better health and wellness.

Often patients are coming to the pharmacy with concerns and fears about what is ahead for them with their diagnosis and a new list of medications. I enjoy empowering patients with knowledge about what lies ahead for them and how they can be the most successful. I keep hearing the mindset of “All Americans want is an easy fix to health problems by taking a pill and not making healthy changes to get better”. Some of that is the truth. Many do not feel motivated to change for their health. The flip side of that though is that taking medications is also not easy. That pill comes with a lot of baggage. It is something you have to remember to take usually at least once a day. It may come with side effects you have to manage. It also may interact with other medications or food you take daily causing harm or the medications to not work as well. The pill may also cost a lot of money. I feel medications are usually only a piece of the puzzle to get back to health, but they are a key player in many health issues to find healing. What I love is teaching you about your medications and providing motivation on how to be successful in taking it.

Patients need to be guided down the path to get back to the best health they can have. We all need motivation in order to be successful in anything. Without a solid reason why we should strive to achieve something, all of us usually fall short with our goals. Insert the concept of medication motivation. Medication motivation is all about helping you find the reason why you want to take your medication successfully. As a pharmacist, we focus a lot on what we refer to as medication adherence. In other words, is the patient taking their medications as directed and refilling them on time monthly. This is a big problem for a lot of patients. They fill the medication, pick it up, and then life gets in the way. Many people do not make taking their medications a priority. My goal is to help you identify why that is, and make changes to focus on your health.

First, you need to find the barriers you have to taking medications and knock them down. Do you feel like you failed your health and medication is a confirmation of that so you do not want to take it? Do you have trouble forgetting to take it every day because you do not have a routine? The directions are too complicated? Are you not feeling well because of a side effect so you hate taking the medication? Your mom’s neighbor told you she had a friend who got sick from taking that medication so you are scared? Whatever the barrier, address the potential issues with your pharmacist and talk through what is stopping you from taking the medication to better your health. Your pharmacist would love to brainstorm with you to find a solution.

Next, you need to tap into why you would want to take the medication, what value would the medication add to your life.  Would you have more energy to play with your kids? Would your heart work better so you could have a longer life? Would you have less pain so you could travel? Would you have better control of your blood sugar and could enjoy meals more? Would you feel less depressed and could go out with your friends more? What in your life will be better and more meaningful if you could take your medication every day and have the best results from it? Tap into what you can gain in your life by focusing on your health and taking your medications the right way. When you are motivated toward a purpose and something that will add value to your life, you are much more willing to make it happen. 

Finally, you need to come up with a plan. If remembering to take your medications is the problem, develop a routine. For example, take your medications when you brush your teeth,  or before you pour your coffee, or as you climb into bed. Whatever works for you, figure it out and stick to it. Maybe you need to use a pill tray organizer. Organize your medications once a week and then you can see each day if you took them for sure or not. Perhaps you need to set an alarm on your phone to go off as a reminder. Whatever works for you, put the plan into action. No goal is ever achieved without putting in some effort, and the same goes for taking your medications. Put in the time to get organized, make a plan, find your reason why you need to be successful, and take action. Focusing on your medication motivation will help you achieve your best possible health.

Take Care!

Tiffany Herring PharmD